Monday, November 24, 2014


Somebody asked me the other day, "Have you written anything lately?"

I stopped for a minute, almost embarrassed, because I had seriously forgotten that I was a writer. Somehow, somewhere in the last year and a half, I have lost that piece of myself. It's not even that it has been a longing that I just haven't made time for, I have completely lost that dream for myself.

God has been speaking to me quite a bit about dreams lately. Not literal while you are sleeping dreams, but the dreams that He has placed inside of me. Recently, when I was first challenged to write down my dreams, I was forced to open a door that I had unknowingly shut, for a long time. For me, my life long dream was to become a wife and a mother. At the age of 22 I was a wife. At the age of 23, I was a mother. Life long dream....check. After that, I had aspirations and goals, but never dreams. Finally, when I was 26, the Lord asked me to write a bible study about becoming the Proverbs 31 Woman in the 21st century. I of course laughed at him and asked the famous question, "Really???? Me Lord???" But taking that journey with the Lord unlocked a new dream inside of me. A dream to make a difference in other peoples lives through writing. A dream to inspire, motivate and educate others for the glory of God.  That was my dream, and up until a few days ago, I had completely forgotten about it.

So what now?? That is what I am asking the Lord. So what now Lord? One thing that I have discovered is that if we have a dream, the Lord gave it to us. And if we have a dream, the Lord has a plan for us. So here I am, reminded once again to lean into the Lord, to hand Him my dreams, and to let Him lead. Life always works out better when He is in charge.

What's your dream? Have you forgotten? Are there new dreams that are yet to be unlocked?
I encourage you to ask the Author of Days and the Giver of Dreams to show you what His dreams are for you.

Until next time..............

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