Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Shifting Gears

Have you ever had one of those days, when you think that you know what direction that you are headed, and then all of a sudden something happens that makes you rethink everything? The funny thing is, if I really think about it, it's not as if this one thing is really the center of it all. The Lord speaks to us gently, slowly, preparing us for change, but we don't always see the writing on the wall until it is right in front of us screaming, "This is it!!!"  Still, it's not always easy to switch gears.  Some things are easier than others. Truthfully, when it's just me, I can generally switch gears on a dime. But when it effects my kids or my husband, well, that's another story.

So, today I am seeking wisdom. Wisdom from the Lord, wisdom from my friends, and at some point, I hope to be able to process with and seek wisdom from my amazing husband. Tonight I wait, seek and listen for the still small voice of the Lord. He is generous and trustworthy to lead me where I need to go. He knows my needs and the needs of my children. Jesus says in Matthew, "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." I want that!!! Whatever decisions I make and whatever gears I need to shift, I want His yoke. I want to learn from my gentle Savior. In Him there is rest. In Him there is not fear of "messing up", or "choosing wrong".

I guess in the end there is this. Thank you Lord for this day. Thank you for the opportunity to trust you. Thank you for the freedom to choose but for the desire to seek direction. I am open to your leading, so lead away.  AMEN!

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