Tuesday, February 10, 2015

On a quest for health

So here's the thing......if you know me, you know that I am always doing something crazy and new on my quest for health. I grew up being the chubby one in our family, but I eventually grew into the voluptuous woman that I am today. How I feel about myself and my body varies depending on the day, however, the one thing that I cannot tolerate, the thing that makes me very cranky, is not feeling well. In my lifetime I have had a gambit of different ailments; headaches, migraines, endometriosis, eczema, tummy issues etc. I didn't even know that there was a way to actually get healthy through nutrition, until I went to massage school. At that point my eyes were open to a new mindset and a new way of living. It was essentially the beginning of my quest for health.

Fast forward just under 20 years, and although I am much healthier then I started out, I have new concerns. I have 3 beautiful daughters to whom I have passed my unhealthy junk to. I believe that, just like taking authority over generational sin, victory begin with awareness and a willingness to pursue victory. This does not however necessarily mean, overnight or even in your lifetime, success. This fact should never stop us from seeking breakthrough and victory. Getting back to my baby girls, (not babies anymore) they too have several ailments/allergies, and it makes me really mad!!! I don't want that for them!! I never wanted it for myself, and I certainly do not want it for my daughters.

My current pressing issue, is that my youngest daughter has horrible eczema on her face around her mouth. I have been doing my best to shift things in her diet, (not always easy) I have added ginger, lemon, turmeric, fermented cabbage and other crazy things into her diet, and still, not change. It flares up and gets lighter, but it is always there. So today I had lunch with a girlfriend of mine, who is on a similar quest as I am, and she mentioned to me that she recently traced her sons allergy issues back to the fact that he had severe jaundice when he was a baby. She said that the stress that the jaundice put on his liver as a baby has actually contributed to all of his allergies. She is now on a quest to cleanse his liver. LIGHT BULB!!!! My oldest and my youngest, the two with the most severe allergy issues, both had severe jaundice when they were babies.

I love how God speaks to us in stereo. Currently we are studying the digestive system in my Classical Conversations class. I read yesterday that the liver alone has 500 jobs. Our liver miraculously regenerates, but I can imagine that a compromised organ from infancy can cause a number of issues in someone's life if that organ is not intentionally cared for. Maybe I'm crazy but that's nothing new.

All of this to say, if you have some liver cleansing tips that are great for kids I'm all ears. Meanwhile I will continue to share with you about the crazy adventures of my life. I'd love prayer from anyone who is willing.

Until next time.......

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